雜 誌「足球王者」。
漫 畫手塚治虫系列作品、吉卜力系列作品、RIVER系列作品等。
食 譜從烹飪烘焙的初學者到專業廚師達人,各式食譜一應俱全。企管書為上班族及商業人士提供工作所面臨難題的解決參考書,及專為餐飲業者提供的餐飲管理書籍。
科 普科學相關的各式書籍,像是「數學科學百科:趣味數學小故事365」、「超圖解菌種圖鑑:感染科醫師告訴你72種致病且致命的細菌」、「基本粒子物理超入門:一本讀懂諾貝爾獎的世界級研究」等書。
Founded in 1990, Taiwan Tohan Co. Ltd. is the first foreign publishing company which was permitted to invest in Taiwan.Various Japanese books have been translated and released by Taiwan Tohan over 28 years.
Taiwan Tohan is committed to develop publications in all kinds of fields.We published lots of publication in order to satisfy our readers.
Taiwan Tohan is in charge of various matters about「ICHIBAN JAPAN」area which is exhitibited in Comic Exhibition and TICA that hosted and Co-organized by Chinese Animation & Comic Publishers Association. We extend to not only publishing but also other areas to diversify our client base.
Magazine: SOCCER ONE.
Comics: The world-wide famous artist, Tezuka Osamu's works, Ghibli, and works of Taiwan famous comic artist, river.
Cookbooks: Various cookbooks for both beginners & professionals.
Business Management: By reading these books for developing new business, dealing with customers' complaints, and other management books for restaurants.
Handicrafts: Creative life series which covering many subjects, such as weaving,origami, non-woven cloths, quilting.
Science: Different titles of science books for readers.
A variety of original books are related to life